GraceWay Radio
Have a Testimony of your own?
Need inspiration to memorized more scripture this year? We can help!

Each month we'll create beautiful wallpaper with a different portion of Scripture you can download and place as your desktop on your device. That way the scripture will "ever be before your eyes" or at least while you're on your computer and each time you see it, practice memorizing a portion of it. Then, next month, download another portion to memorized. By the end of the year, you'll have entire chapters memorized! It's never too late to start, so download today and start memorizing!

Download button will open a new window. Right click image, then select "Save image as"
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GraceWay Radio is a one-of-a-kind station that is dedicated to the transmission of true worship and Spirit-inspired messages that will foster real spiritual growth in listeners
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GraceWay Radio is an affiliate of CDM. CDM is a registered 501(c)3 Non-Profit organization. As a 501(c)3 all donations are tax-deductible. EIN: 75-2340922 | All rights reserved